Hinrich Jacob Christian Susemihl
Auch bekannt als Henry Christof. Hinrich wurde am 10.Februar 1820 in Lütten Klein, Mecklenburg-Schwerin geboren und am 12.Februar 1820 in Lichtenhagen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin getauft. Hinrich ist am 1.April 1862 in Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United States verstorben.
Er arbeitete als Schreiner und Tischler. -
Albertina De Boer
Albertina wurde am 7.Januar 1825 in Emden, Niedersachsen geboren. Albertina ist in Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United States am 28.Mai 1914 verstorben und dort am 31.Mai 1914 bestattet worden.
Albertina gründete eine weitere Familie mit John Wolf.
Hinrich und Albertina haben am 1.März 1848 in Veendam, Groningen, Niederlande geheiratet.
- Tjark Bens SusemihlIst auch als Tjard Bens De Boer und Charles Bents bekannt. Tjark wurde in Veendam, Groningen, Niederlande am 25.Oktober 1847 geboren und dort am 19.November 1847 getauft. Er ist am 6.April 1927 in Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United States verstorben und in Pikesville, Baltimore, Maryland, United States bestattet worden.
Er arbeitete in Baltimore als Färber.
Technically Hinrich was a „shipjoiner“, not a land-based carpenter. I believe he served his appreticeship in Warnenmunde and then transfered to Emden (then in the Duchyof Hanover but later in Prussia) to serve as a „journeyman“.
He seems to have met Albertina, the daughter of one of his „masters“ while in Emden. They were married at the Reformed Church in Emden. Or at least the banns were read for three successive Sundays in February 1848. so I think the wedding was on the last of February. They went back to Veendam (which was also a part of Hanover) to register the wedding on March 1st so that Hinrich could claim his son Tjark as his legitimate heir, because Tjark had been born out of wedlock. the young couple had to postpone their wedding because Albertina’s father fhad died in 1844, and they had to finance their own wedding, including paying the butcher, the baker, the brewer and the cake-baker. (after his service as a journeyman was completed, Hinrich had to secure a postion in a smaller shipyard in Veendam, where some of Albertina’s mother’s relatives lived. their surname (family name) was Albertz.
I forgot to add that Hinrich emmigrated to Baltimore from Emden in 1853. He found employment in one of the many shipyards around the Baltimore Inner Harbor (the northwest branch of the Patapsco River) or Fells Point. He foudn lodging for the first four years (1853-1857 ) in the Seaman’s Lodge on Harrison Street a few blocks from the harbor. When his wife and son arrived in April 1857, they rented a set of rooms in a „rowhouse“ (Baltimore is famous for brick rowhouses) in the northwest corner of the Fells Point neighborhood. One of the other families that rented in the same house was named Lange — and they were from Emden. When their son died he was buried in Baltimore Cemetery in the same plot as Henrich Susemihl. So I think they were related.